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We’re highlighting a teacher every Wednesday as a part of the #RedForEd campaign.

Every year is a great year to celebrate our teachers, but this year has shined a bright light on the flexibility and compassion of our incredible staff.

Today we’re highlighting Mr. Grant Condon, a math teacher at West Vigo Middle School.

What motivates you?I am motivated by the hard working coworkers that surround me and the amazing students that I get to teach each day. My coworkers are always looking for new ways to make learning fun and creative for the students. The students make me smile each day. Every time I hear a student tell me that they learned something new and they actually understand it, it reminds me how lucky I am to be a teacher.

How has your job changed due to COVID?
Being a first year teacher, I don’t know much different other than the COVID teaching style. I was fully expecting to start my teaching career with 5 days a week and no masks, but instead I got the compete opposite. I have had to learn how to create lessons that can be used online and also in the classroom.

What is something that people don’t understand about your job?
One thing that people don’t understand about my job is that it’s more than just teaching them about a subject. It is about making connections with students. As a math teacher, most students come into the year thinking that they are bad at math. Creating connections can help students feel more comfortable in the classroom. My job is to help them see that each student is capable of learning and getting better. Being a teacher requires learning about your students so that you can create more interesting lessons to keep students engaged.

Why do you love VCSC/your school?
I love my school because of the close community feel that I get each day. All of the administrators, teachers, and students at West Vigo have pride in the community that they live in. It creates a sense of belonging for me and for everyone that walks in the building.

Be sure to check back on #Staffurday–Saturday, that is–as we recognize members of our non-teaching staff. We’ll continue both campaigns through the end of the school year.