Students are our most precious resource.
Special Education
The Vigo County School Corporation is a member of a special education cooperative, Covered Bridge Special Education District.
Learn more
Student Records
The Office of Student Services can supply current and past students with a range of student records, such as transcripts and immunization records.
Request Records
State Report
The Indiana Department of Education's INview system keeps a record of the Vigo County School Corporation's performance in a dashboard-style system.
Learn more
The Vigo County School Corporation's nursing department manages all health-related needs of our students, including immunizations and medications.
2024-25 Required Immunizations
Other Nursing Documents
Contact Eleni Miller, Chairperson of Nursing
Non-Discrimination Notice: Section 504/Title II
The policy of the Vigo County School Corporation is that there will be no discrimination made on the basis of race, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or handicap in the educational services or activities which it supports.
Non-Discrimination Notice
Title IX
Dr. Tammy Rowshandel is the Chief Accountability Officer and serves as the Title IX Anti-Harassment Compliance Officer.
VCSC Harassment Policy and Form
Title IX Training 2024-2025
Telephone: 812-462-4011
E-mail Dr. Tammy Rowshandel
Dyslexia Guidance/Senate Enrolled Act 217
In accordance with Senate Enrolled Act 217, the Vigo County School Corporation screens students for dyslexia in kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade.
Attendance Policy
Good attendance habits and punctuality allow maximum benefit for students’ education. To learn more about types of absences and our attendance policy, please click the link below.
Education Professions Pathway Opportunity
Vigo County high school students have opportunities to earn up to 15 college credits through Indiana State University as part of the Education Professions Pathway. Here is an introductory video about the program.
Reading and Writing Curriculum
The Vigo County School Corporation provides each student with a Chromebook. This device is the property of the VCSC. The VCSC asks families to help protect and care for the investment of our Chromebooks. The purpose of the Chromebook is to provide each student access to required educational materials needed to promote and enhance learning.
Click HERE to download the Chromebook Fees & Guidelines document:

Students who qualify for free and reduced lunch do not pay textbook rental fees, and only have to pay the consumable fee. Families can apply for free/reduced lunch status by visiting

Skyward is our data management system. The Vigo County School Corporation uses Skyward Family Access for parents/guardians to access their child's information, grades, and schedule. If you have questions about access or the information within your account, start with your child's school secretary.

Canvas is a course management system that supports online learning and teaching. It allows teachers to post information, lessons, and assignments online. It is being used by schools all over the world.

The safe transportation of students is a responsibility shared by the VCSC administration, transportation staff, drivers, parents and students. We are committed to providing safe vehicles and qualified drivers along with school bus safety education to students and parents.