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Every Saturday, we highlight a non-teaching staff member on our Facebook and Twitter (@vcsc_teamvigo) account, turning Saturday into #Staffurday to introduce you to some of the people who make school happen!

Every year is a great year to celebrate our staff, but this year has shined a bright light on the flexibility and compassion of our incredible staff.

Today, meet Mrs. Jennifer Miller, the registrar at Woodrow Wilson Middle School.

What motivates you?
Being able to help others and being able to do my job effectively is what motivates me. Whether it be a student, parent, teacher or one of our administrators I want to be able to help whenever something is brought to me. I thrive on being knowledgeable as to what is going on at Woodrow Wilson daily and being able to get my job done effectively and in a timely manner each day. I don’t like to leave things undone for the next day.

How has your job changed due to COVID?
The biggest change I have endured this school year because of Covid would have to be with recording student attendance. With all of the different schedules we have had this school year such as A/B cohorts, Remote Learning days, Hybrid students, Virtual students, four day in person learning, student quarantines, it is very important to have accurate student attendance everyday. I have to manage different attendance templates based on each situation and make sure that each template is up to date if there have been any changes with a student. With Wilson being a large middle school with over 800 students there is a lot of attendance entries being done each day. The attendance office is buzzing with phone calls early every morning.

What is something that people don’t understand about your job?
I don’t think people understand all the different tasks that are associated with my job. Most people think that the registrar’s job is just to keep records and data entry. While those things are a big part of my job some of the things I also take care of are student attendance, posting and printing all report cards and progress reports. I also assist our Assistant Principal with scheduling and our schools course master schedule each year. I run various reports throughout the year whether it be for our mentors that come in from the Hamilton Center, for our end of the year awards banquets or rosters during testing. I also take care of all of the enrollments and withdrawals for the school and transferring of records.

Why do you love VCSC/your school?
There are a lot of great students, parents and staff members in the VCSC that I feel very fortunate to have come in contact with because of my job. I have had the opportunity to make friendships with many of my colleagues while working for the Vigo County School Corporation. Woodrow Wilson holds a very special place with me as it is where I met my husband Jack, who is the dean there. Both of my daughters attended Wilson for middle school and had great experiences while they were there. I am very thankful to be able to report to work each day at such a wonderful place!

Be sure to check back on Wednesday as we highlight another teacher for #RedforEd Wednesday! We’ll continue both campaigns through the end of the school year.

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