Title I
Title I
The Vigo County School Corporation’s Title I Program is a federally funded program that provides additional resources in schools for instructional support. It is supplementary to the regular curriculum and is closely coordinated with regular classroom instruction. The Title I Program began in 1965 when Congress passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The No Child Left Behind Act helps guide the implementation of services in our schools.
Schools are determined to be eligible through an annual completion of target area statistics. Those schools whose poverty percentages fall above the county-wide average are eligible for Title I Services and those below are ineligible.
The Title I staff is composed of highly qualified teachers and educational assistants. A Comprehensive Needs Assessment is completed each year to help prioritize specific needs at each school. An implementation plan is then developed to provide services to students in small groups and individually. State Standards and Corporation Goals provide the framework for instruction. Students receive assistance based on multiple assessments and teacher or parent referrals.
Elementary Schools
- Davis Park Elementary
- Deming Early Learning Center
- DeVaney Elementary
- Farrington Grove Elementary
- Franklin Elementary
- Fuqua Elementary
- Hoosier Prairie
- Ouabache Elementary
- Rio Grande
- Sugar Creek Consolidated Elementary
- Sugar Grove Elementary
- Terre Town Elementary
- Beginning January 1, 2025, Fayette and Lost Creek
Secondary Schools
- Booker T. Washington
- Sarah Scott Middle School

If you have questions about the Vigo County School Corporation Title I program, please contact:
Teresa Stuckey, Ed. S.
The Indiana Department of Education’s INview system keeps a record of the Vigo County School Corporation’s performance in a dashboard-style system.
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