Early Learning

Early Learning Programs Now Enrolling

Full Day Pre-K


Follows VCSC calendar Weekdays 8am – 2:30pm


Full day Pre-K is available for a rate of $21 per day.

Tuition Waivers for Qualifying Families:

Childcare and Development Fund (CCDF)
On My Way Pre-K

See if you qualify by clicking HERE.
Families who have applied for the above programs, but were ineligible, may qualify for a Title I waiver. Must provide documentation and reside in one of the following Title I Districts: Ben Franklin, Davis Park, DeVaney, Farrington Grove, Fayette, Fuqua, Hoosier Prairie, Lost Creek, Ouabache, Sugar Creek Consolidated, Sugar Grove, Rio Grande and Terre Town

Register for Full Day Pre-K by visiting our New Families page.

4 Years-Old by August 1


In the 2025-26 school year, the Vigo County School Corporation will offer Full Day Pre-K for students who are 4 by August 1 at Deming Early Learning Center*, Fayette, Sarah Scott, Sugar Grove and Vikes & Tykes at West Vigo*.

*After School Care Available

3 Years-Old by August 1


In the 2025-26 school year, the Vigo County School Corporation will offer Full Day Pre-K for students who are 3 by August 1 at Deming Early Learning Center, Fayette and Sarah Scott.

Half Day Pre-K


Follows VCSC calendar Weekdays 8am – 10:45am or 12pm – 2:40pm


Full day Pre-K is available for a rate of $10.50 per day.

Tuition Waivers for Qualifying Families:

Childcare and Development Fund (CCDF)
On My Way Pre-K

See if you qualify by clicking HERE.
Families who have applied for the above programs, but were ineligible, may qualify for a Title I waiver. Must provide documentation and reside in one of the following Title I Districts: Ben Franklin, Davis Park, DeVaney, Farrington Grove, Fayette, Fuqua, Hoosier Prairie, Lost Creek, Ouabache, Sugar Creek Consolidated, Sugar Grove, Rio Grande and Terre Town

Register for Full Day Pre-K by visiting our New Families page.

4 Years-Old by August 1


In the 2025-26 school year, the Vigo County School Corporation will offer Half Day Pre-K for students who are 4 by August 1 at Farrington Grove and Terre Town.