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Hello Sarah Scott Family,

This is your principal, Scotia Brown, with your Scottie Burst for the week of April 25th.  We have a successful week of ILEARN testing last week.  We are proud because most of our Scotties worked hard and put in their best efforts.

ILEARN testing will continue this week, so we need all Scotties to be at school, on time, every day.

Midterm grades were distributed last Friday.  To see your Scotties grades, log in to your Scottie’s Skyward account. If you have any questions or difficulty accessing the grades, feel free to call the school.  If you see that your student is struggling in classes, support is available every morning, in the cafeteria.  Be sure to check Skyward to see if your Scottie has missing assignments and encourage him/her to turn in any missing work.

Parents, we still have a number of you who have not completed your student’s enrollment forms, in Skyward.  We would ask that you take a moment to complete these forms.

Our girl’s tennis team is doing a great job!  Last week, in our match against St. Pats, our doubles winners were Alicia Perez and Azilynn Moody.  Congratulations!

Monday, our girls will match their skills against West Vigo.  This match will be held at Sarah Scott.

Thursday, our girls compete in a tennis match at Honey Creek.  The match will take place at Honey Creek.

Our track team is also doing a wonderful job!  Our 6th grade girls won against Otter Creek.

On Wednesday, our 6th grade track team will compete against West Vigo at Sarah Scott.  The 7th and 8th grade track team will compete against St. Pats and West Vigo at West Vigo Middle School.

All athletic events begin at 5:00.  All visitors are expected to wear masks and socially distance at athletic events.

I know this was a lot of information, but we want you to be informed, because you matter and your Scottie matters to us “At Sarah Scott:  Where Hope is Inspired, Talent is Trained and Potential is Developed!”