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Good, Good Evening Sarah Scott Family,

This is your principal, Scotia Brown, with your Scottie Burst for the week of March 21st.  Happy spring!

Have you seen your Scotties report card?  Report cards were posted last Friday.  You can see your Scotties report card in their Skyward account.  If your Scotties grades could use some help, encourage your Scottie to take advantage of the help offered every morning.

Scotties, we would love to have you join the girls’ tennis team or the Sarah Scott track team.  If you can run fast, jump or throw, we need you on the Sarah Scott track team.  Why not join the track team?  You can be a part of a team, be outside and have fun.  For our girls, in grades 6, 7, and 8th grades, think about joining the tennis team.  Don’t know how to play tennis, that’s ok.  We’ll teach you!  Don’t have a tennis racket?  No problem!  We’ll have one for you!  Practice is from 3:30 to 5pm, each day.  Meet Miss Smith on the tennis courts, ready to learn! The teams practice after school.  As with all sports, Scotties must have a physical form, on file, in order to participate.

School pictures will be taken on Wednesday, after school, for all of our students participating in spring sports.  Forms will be sent home with student athletes tomorrow.

Sarah Scott is sponsoring a raffle for the school and we need your support.  The raffle tickets were sent home last week.  Tuesday is the first check-in for raffle tickets.    Each ticket sold earns a miniature candy bar.  We thank you for helping us sell raffle tickets.  All monies raised will go to support Sarah Scott student programs.

Before we head into spring break, we want to make sure our Scotties are taken care of.  We will be having a food distribution this Wednesday, from 9:00 to 11:00.  If your family can use a food box, call the school at 812-462-4381 and reserve your box.

Scotties, remember to take advantage of Aleks and Reading Counts.  You can earn prizes for every Aleks topic completed and the Reading Counts points you earn.  Prizes include t-shirts, hoodies, ear buds, gaming chairs, led lights and a flat screen television.  You can work on ALEKS in your spare time at school or at home.  Get busy earning those tickets!

Last week was such a phenomenal week! Mrs. Lugar, our 7th grade math teacher, was awarded the Golden Apple Award, for her excellence in education.  Mrs. Campbell-Miller, our school social worker, was awarded the social worker of the year, for Region 9.  She received this award because of her commitment to serving the students of Sarah Scott.  And on Friday, Sarah Scott was featured in an article in a national newspaper, USA Today. The article addressed the dedication of our staff to serving our Scotties.  I hope you are as proud of the Sarah Scott family as I am!

So much to be proud of , “At Sarah Scott:  Where Hope is Inspired, Talent is Trained, and Potential is Developed!”