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Good, Good Evening Sarah Scott Family,

This is your principal, Scotia Brown, with your Scottie Burst for the week of March 7th.  We just finished our first week of having our Scotties back 4 days of the week.  And our first week was a great one.  Parents, you would have been  so proud to see your student coming in each morning and taking advantage of the time, before school, to work on assignments.  Well, that’s what happened!  Our Scotties were focused and working hard.  Our teachers were there to assist them.

I have quite a bit of information to share with you, so I’d better get started.

This is Spirit Week, as our 6th/7th grade girls’ basketball teams compete in county.

Monday is -Pajama day with your e-learning at home. Tuesday is School Spirit Day, wear your school colors of orange, black, and white.

Wednesday is “Google Meet” Day–Dress fancy on top and comfy on bottom (sweats, pj’s)

Thursday is Vacation Day-wear your vacations clothes.

Friday is Essential Worker Day-We’d like to see you dress like any of our valuable essential workers-doctor, nurse, teacher, farmer, police officer, cashiers and others.

Scotties, track season starts Tuesday. If you can run, jump, or throw, we need you on the Sarah Scott track team!  In order to participate, Scotties must have a physical form on file.  Practice is  from 3:30 to 4:30.

Student Council will be selling FroYo each day this week, during lunch periods.  The cost is 50 cents.

March is Women’s History Month.  Each day we are celebrating amazing Women, who have had an impact on our country. Each day we ask our Scotties to research a phenomenal woman.  Their answers go into a daily drawing.  Monday’s question is: Who is Amelia Earhart?