
Looking for something specific? Browse the tabs below for important OCMS resources!

Chat with a Counselor

Do you or your student need to speak with a counselor? See the link below to access the counselors’ page!


Have a question about an upcoming athletics event or team? Visit the athletics page for answers!

OCMS is on YouTube

Subscribe to Otter Creek Middle School on YouTube for helpful videos about Canvas and  OCMS festivities!

Student Handbook

Our student handbook contains important information you may need to know as a parent or student of OCMS.

Events Calendar

Check out the Events Calendar to find out all that is happening at Otter Creek Middle School from day to day!


Do you have questions about transportation to school? Click below to access the VCSC Transportation page.

Food Services

Are  you curious about the lunch menu? Do you need to add money to a student’s account? Visit the VCSC food services page for this and more!

Email Directory

Do you need the contact information for a VCSC Employee? Visit the contact directory below.


VCSC teachers use Canvas, a course management system that supports online learning, to assign and deliver important lessons. Use the link below to access your account!


Staying in touch with the school has never been easier! Monitor grades, attendance, student information and more using Skyward.

Media Center

Are you interested in becoming a library helper? Need help with math or science homework? Want to learn more about this year’s most anticipated books? Visit the Media Center page for this and much more!

Chromebook Insurance

Get your Chromebook insurance here before the deadline! October 9th is the last day to purchase insurance for your student’s Chromebook. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Please explore the two links below to view/purchase the insurance plan.

Chromebook Self-Insurance Information

Chromebook Program Enrollment Form