Scottie Burst Mar. 9, 2025
Hello Sarah Scott Families,
Our community food distribution is tomorrow at 9:00-10:00. Fresh fruits and vegetables along with staple items will be available. Please share with friends and family.
Bring those charged chromebooks with you and be ready to test on Tuesday and Thursday. This week is the ILEARN Checkpoint 3 for state testing.
Good luck to our Geography Bowl as they compete Tuesday night with Coach Loudermilk.
On Tuesday, our students and staff will practice a Tornado Drill.
On Wednesday, we have a special guest, Arshay Cooper, a world known rower, who will speak to us about his adventures in life.
Our swim team will have their first meet on Thursday at the Aquatic Center at 5:00. Good luck!
This Friday, Isibindi will host our St. Patrick’s Day mixer right after school until 5:00. Admission is $5 for students and $3 for Dog Tags. It’s going to be a fun time!
GP3 will end on March 14 and grades will be posted on March 21.
Math Club will meet on Wednesday after school until 4:30 and Korean Club will meet after school on Thursday until 4:15.
Mark your calendars for our Annual Fish Fry and More, March 21, 5-8 pm. This is a fun event full of fun, food, and fellowship.
We are excited to see you in the morning and may your families stay healthy, warm, and safe! Bring those charged chromebooks with you and be ready to learn.
May you be proud of the work you do, the person you are, and the difference you make.
Ms. Rachel Cox