Scottie Burst Jan. 26, 2025
Hello Sarah Scott Families,
Our Family Bowling Night at Vigo Bowl is on Monday, Jan. 27. This event is free for the family but you must sign up to reserve your spot on the google form sent via email. There are a few openings left from 4-6pm. Thank you to the Vigo County Education Foundation.
Our Honor Roll Cinnamon Roll Celebration will be Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025 at 8:15 am to celebrate our Scotties for 2nd grading period. Please enter through Door #19.
8th grade families-be sure permission slips for South High School are turned in. The field trip has been rescheduled for this Friday. South’s Curriculum night has been scheduled for families to attend on February 4 from 6-7pm. Counselors will be in for scheduling the following week on the 12th of February.
On Tuesday, our 7/8th grade ladies basketball team will be at home playing Honey Creek while our wrestling team will travel to Honey Creek to take on the Bees. Good luck Scotties!
On Wednesday, we will celebrate our new Dog Tags in the afternoon. Congratulations to our Scotties for going above and beyond. Basketball and Wrestling teams will have pictures after school.
As a reminder, there is a corporation 2 Hour Delay on Thursday for Professional Development for teachers.
On Thursday, our 7/8th grade ladies basketball team will play at home against Woodrow Wilson.
Friday will be a House Meeting, so wear those House Shirts. We are still collecting plastic caps and items for the Human Shelter.
It’s going to be a busy week for our Scotties. We are excited to see you in the morning!
May you be proud of the work you do, the person you are, and the difference you make.
Ms. Rachel Cox