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Scottie Burst Dec. 15, 2024

Hello Sarah Scott Families, 


This is the last week of school before Winter Break and it’s going to be another Spirit week. So, on Monday, it is House Mania. On Tuesday, wear those festive socks, hats, and  headbands. On Wednesday, wear your ”ugly Christmas sweaters”. On Thursday, dress from head to toe in Holiday gear. On Friday, wear those holiday jammies. 


This Friday is our Holiday Choir Concert at 1:15. That also is an early dismissal at 2:30. A Winter Band and Orchestra Concert will be after the new year. 


On Tuesday,  Ducks Unlimited, VCEF, and media will be here to see the 7th grade students in Mr. Nagy’s class build and learn about  their duck boxes. This was a fun project and they learned a lot as well. 


This Thursday, our character award winner, Lacie Porter, will go to City Hall to meet the mayor and represent Sarah Scott for citizenship. Our 6th grade, Anna Hallett and 8th grade, Christopher Dunn represented their grade levels respectively. On Thursday, they will enjoy a pizza party with their friends. 


It’s getting cold out there! Reveur is collecting hats, gloves, and scarves. If you can help, please bring in those items to share with others. Thank you blue house. 


House of Isibindi and Amistad are collecting items for the Humane Shelter. Please see the list of many items if you are able to contribute this year. 


Altruismo is still collecting plastic caps. You will receive 10 bonus points in any class for those caps. Be sure to see an Altruismo leader if you have any questions.  


Tomorrow morning will be our House Meeting. Wear your house shirts, have those agendas and lanyards ready, and charge those chromebooks for your last week of learning. 


This is the last week of the grading period. Make sure all of your assignments are turned in and you have done your best this grading period. Students will return after the new year on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. 


May you be proud of the work you do, the person you are, and the difference you make. 

Ms. Rachel Cox


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