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Scottie Burst Nov. 24, 2024

Hello Sarah Scott Families, 


Over the last couple weeks, the Student Council sponsored “Change Wars” to help share Thanksgiving with others. WOW, Scotties! You stepped up to the challenge. Thank you to everyone who gave as we helped over 60 families. As promised, Hansen, Woodward, Racines, and Butt will enjoy donuts Tuesday morning.


It’s getting cold out there! Reveur is collecting hats, gloves, and scarves. If you can help, please bring in those items to share with others. Thank you blue house. 


If you are interested in wrestling, conditioning is M, W, F until 5:00. If you have any questions, please see Coach Sons or Mr. Burress. 


On Friday, we had our annual Thanksgiving lunch where we transformed our gym into a beautiful dining hall. All students and staff enjoyed it along with the ISU President! Thank you to all of the parents and families who volunteered, our community members, and organizations. President Godard was very impressed with our students, staff, and school.  


Tomorrow morning is our house meeting so, wear your house shirt for some house points. The Christmas Store will be opening soon to spend those points. Charge those chromebooks, have your agenda and lanyard with IDs ready. We can’t wait to see you in the morning.


We only have two days to be with our Scotties this week. Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. 

May you be proud of the work you do, the person you are, and the difference you make. 


Ms. Rachel Cox
