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Good, Good Evening Sarah Scott Family,

This is your principal, Scotia Brown, with your first Scottie Burst for the 2023 year!  We hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas holiday, filled with love and family.  We are looking forward to having all of our Scotties return to us tomorrow morning!  Although this will be a short week, we do have a few announcements, so let’s get started.

Scotties, we certainly hope you’ve been doing some reading over Christmas break.  Remember to take your Reading Counts quizzes.  Every Scottie, who has earned 40 Reading Counts points, will be joining us for our Bowling and Inflatable party.

Our 6th and 7th grade girls’ basketball teams will have basketball practice tomorrow, right after school, until 5:00.

Our 8th grade boys’ basketball teams will have a game against Woodrow Wilson Middle School on Wednesday.  This will be a home game.

On Thursday, our 8th grade boys’ basketball teams will match their skills in a game against Honey Creek Middle School.  Join us in the stands for this home game.

Scotties, please take advantage of math support, with Mr. Tyler on Mondays’, Wednesdays, and Fridays’ from 3:30 to 4:30.

Parents, as we move into harsh weather, please listen to the morning news, messages sent out by the school corporation, for e-learning days.  If school is closed because of harsh weather, Scotties will have work to do, on their Chromebooks.

To our 7th and 8th grade parents, if you haven’t completed the 21st Century applications yet, please make this a priority.  It only takes 10 minutes to complete the application that’s worth $65,000 for your Scottie.


Tomorrow begins the first day of the new grading period.  With that we encourage all of our Scotties to get a good night’s rest, remember to charge your Chromebooks, wash your PE clothes, and we’ll see you at 8:05, tomorrow morning, “At Sarah Scott:  Where hope is Inspired, Talent is Trained, and Potential is Developed!”