Good, Good Evening Sarah Scott Family,
This is your principal, Scotia Brown, with your Scottie Burst for the week of March 20th. Today is the first day of spring!
We are so excited about the great turnout we had for Friday’s Sarah Scott Fish Fry! The food was great, and the turnout reminded us that the community loves Sarah Scott and loves good food. Thank you for your support!
We are excited with the number of Scotties who have come out for the girls’ tennis team and our track and field teams. The teams have begun training. We are looking forward to a great season because we have some great athletes. Let’s go Scotties!
Each morning and during lunch, this week, Scotties can purchase baked goods, in support of our “Big Wigs” week to support breast cancer. Scotties can also purchase tickets for a chance to throw in a pie in the face of one of our teachers, during Fridays’ assembly. Tickets cost $1.00 each.
Vigo County School Corporation is allowing students to drink from the water fountains. Students can continue to, if you prefer, bring clear water bottles to school. Scotties may NOT bring in outside drinks such as energy drinks, coffee, etc. Again, only water is to be brought in. Thank you for your support with this.
Parents, we are in the last grading period for the school year. Please help keep your Scottie on track for academic success. You can log into Skyward and see your Scotties grades, missing assignments, etc. If you have questions, you can email your Scotties teachers.
We will have a bake sale tomorrow, during lunch period. Scotties can purchase baked good with their Scottie Bucks.
Scotties will have spring break beginning Saturday, March 26th thru April 3rd. Scotties will return to school on Monday, April 4th.
To our 8th grade parents, now is the perfect time for you to complete the 21st Century Scholars application for your Scottie. It takes 15 minutes to complete the application, can qualify your Scottie for up to $65,000 for college. Go to
Let’s have a great week, “At Sarah Scott: Where Hope is Inspired, Talent is Trained, and Potential is Developed!”