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Good, Good Evening Sarah Scott Family,

This is your principal, Scotia Brown, with your Scottie Burst for the week of April 18th.  Here are your announcements:

Our biggest announcement is that we start ILEARN testing this week.  And we need your help.  We need our Scotties to get plenty of rest.  We need your Scotties to have a good breakfast each day.  All Scotties can get breakfast at school each morning, just get them to school by 7:30. And we need every one of our Scotties to be at school every day…on time!  That means Scotties need to be at school and in their classes by 8:05.

Scotties, here is what you need to bring to school with you:

  1. Fully charged Chromebook
  2. Wired Earbuds, if you have some

Scotties, every day, we will be rewarding EVERY Scottie with 10 Scottie bucks for being on time to school and 10 Scottie Bucks for bringing your Chromebook in, fully charged.  Your teachers will also be rewarding 10 Scottie Bucks to every Scottie who works hard and remains focused during testing.  That’s 30 Scottie Buck a day!  Field Day is coming up soon.  And 30 Scottie Bucks can buy a bunch of fun!

Monday, our track team has a meet against Otter Creek Middle School.  Our 6th grade team will be competing at Otter Creek, while our 7th and 8th grade teams will be competing here at Sarah Scott.

Tuesday, our girl’s tennis team will be on the courts, competing against Woodrow Wilson Middle School.  This match will take place at Woodrow Wilson.

Thursday, our girl’s tennis team will have a match against St. Pat’s.  This match will be held at Sarah Scott.  All athletic events begin at 5:00.  We hope you can come put and support our AMAZING athletes!

Family, last week, Sarah Scott, in partnership with Catholic Charities feed 226 people at our food distribution!  You would be proud of how our Scotties worked to put the food bags together.  Our Scotties are making a difference in our community!  If you or someone you know needs a food box, remember that you can request one…at any time.  Just complete the form, it’s on our website and we’ll get you taken care of!

‘Cause, family matters at “Sarah Scott:  Where hope is inspired, Talent is Trained, and Potential is Developed!”