Good, good evening Sarah Scott Family,
This is your principal, Scotia Brown, with your Scottie Burst for the week of Feb. 21st. I don’t know about you, but I am excited to be heading back to school tomorrow! I have missed seeing all of you! Here are your announcements for this week:
Scotties, those of you who are participating in the science fair will need to bring your science project to school with you, on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. You will be instructed where to set up your project, at school.
On Monday, our 6th/7th grade girls’ basketball teams have a game against Otter Creek Middle School. This will be a home game.
Tuesday, our girls will be competing against Woodrow Wilson Middle School. This is also a home game.
On Thursday, our girls will match their skills against West Vigo Middle School. This game will also be a home game. As always, all athletic events begin at 5:00.
Track season will begin in a couple of weeks and we would love to have you join the team. Scotties must have a physical on file, in order to participate.
Scotties, I hope you remembered that you can complete ALEKS units and earn prizes. You may complete the units at home, before and after school. Scotties will need to log into their ALEKS account, anytime, and work on math problems. If you need assistance, they can join the Google meet Monday thru Thursday between 6pm to 8pm. The code is ALEKS 1. Sharpen math skills and earn prizes… that sounds like a great combination!
Family, in order to better help our Scotties, beginning Tuesday, we are moving our after school tutoring to the mornings, from 7:00 to 7:55. Scotties can get help with their assignments every Tuesday thru Friday morning. As soon as Scotties arrive t school, if they have missing assignments, or need some help, they are to report to the cafeteria, where some our teachers will be there to help. We will continue to offer math help after school between 6:00 and 8:00.
Family, you already know, if your family needs a food box, we are here to help you. Just call the school and ask to speak to Miss Campbell-Miller.
It’s a family affair at “Sarah Scott: Where Hope is Inspired, Talent is Trained, and Potential is Developed!”