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 Flu Season is back and it might be more severe than ever.

 Get ready for this season because the flu might be even worse than you expected. Want to stop getting the flu? You can take precautions from getting it and strengthen your immune system from influenza.

  Common Questions Answered:

     When does flu season start and end? 

This answer is easy to explain because it starts in early fall and ends in late spring because we are inside more during fall and winter. When we are inside more and outside less, we are more prone to being exposed to viruses and being infected by family members.

  Is the flu contagious or spread to others?

 Yes, influenza is very contagious through person-to-person contact. When you or someone close sneezes or coughs without covering their mouth or nose, airborne droplets can travel through the air and can get into your eyes, mouth, or nose. When the virus enters your body, it can start to multiply inside quickly and infect your respiratory system within 1-3 days after being exposed to the virus. Less commonly, it can be transferred by contaminated surfaces or objects that have the influenza virus. 

Advice for flu season:

  •      Don’t go to school or work when you are sick. If you have symptoms of the flu, stay home from work, and school. This will stop you from spreading the virus to other people around you.
  •      Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing. When you sneeze, use a tissue to stop spreading germs. When you cough, cover your mouth with your elbow. This will stop the spread of germs around people. Influenza is mostly spread when you sneeze, cough, or talk.
  •   Get treatment for influenza. Antiviral drugs can help kill viruses in the early stages after 1-2 days of symptoms. These drugs can speed up recovery and help attack the virus quickly. They also help lessen symptoms of the flu and prevent further complications.