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The Comic Club (formerly known as Cartoon Club) met during Advisory with the goal of each member creating his/her own comic to put into a book.  Each member will receive a book, and several copies will be available in the media center for students to read.  The media center has copies of all the clubs’ books from over the years.

Members this year were Toni Adeagbo, Joey Behnke, Ayush Bhattacharyya, Marlee Herring, Maddyn Hutchins, Jolee Powers, Jordyn Rittenberg, Manuel Ruiz, Aleyah Smith, Alex Snowden, and Jazmine Topete.

Students explored all areas of creating a comic:  character development, facial expressions, writing with attention to the beginning, middle, and end, panel arrangements, use of text, and more.  The group used the media center white board to work on sequencing of ideas and also used comic story starters with the first panel in place to which they added a second panel and then passed their pages around the table with each student adding to the story.

The Comic Club originated as a part of media specialist Mrs. Webb’s Lilly Teacher Creativity Grant in 2015.  The grant allowed her to attend workshops at the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, Vermont during the summer.  While there, she created her own book and worked on activities for her students.