Student Resources
The West Side Schools have a Food Pantry available to help provide for the families in our community. Please fill out this form and wait for a call from the school to confirm your request. Form Link
Parent Resources
Helpful Resources for Parents
Canvas is the VCSC Learning Management System (LMS). This is how teachers deliver course content to students and communicate with students during remote instruction. Follow the below link to see how you can help your student navigate Canvas.
The Vigo County School Corporation uses Skyward Family Access for parents/guardians to access their child’s information, grades, and schedule. You can also update your family contact information through Skyward.
To access your account, login from the link on the school’s home page or at
Skyward does offer a mobile app as well. When you download it be sure to search for Vigo County Schools.
The below link will take you to the VCSC Student Services Resources. Here you can find information about Student Records, State Reports, Special Education Information, Nursing Services, Non-discrimination Information, and Title IX information.
Visit website
For more information visit the Indiana Department of Health Website
The West Side Schools have a Food Pantry available to help provide for the families in our community. Please fill out this form and wait for a call from the school to confirm your request. Form Link