AP Psychology, Psychology, and Sociology
Pathfinders Coordinator and Social Studies Super Bowl Coach
I have been teaching for the Vigo County School Corporation for 14 years. I have been at Terre Haute South for the last seven of those years teaching primarily Psychology and Sociology in the Social Studies Department. I am a graduate of Indiana State University in 2005 and am currently working toward my M.S. in Research Psychology.
Below is the list of materials needed for my courses. Please look under your course heading and have the appropriate items for class and bring them with you every day.
- Writing Tool
- Textbooks (Myers and Barron’s)
- Paper
- Chromebook
- Ear Buds or Headphones
- Writing Tool
- Textbook
- Paper
- Chromebook
- Ear Buds or Headphones
- Writing Tool
- Textbook
- Paper
- Chromebook
- Ear Buds or Headphones
- Always be respectful to me, other students, and everyone in the classroom in general. Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.
- NO food in my classroom. Drinks are fine as well as gum.
- Arrive to class on time every day with ALL your needed books and supplies.
- Be honest in your work do not use items that are not yours from the internet or copy other’s work
Weekly Schedule
Monday: SRT – Information provided
Tuesday: SRT – Makeup tests and tutoring
Wednesday: SRT – Clubs
Thursday: SRT – Makeup tests and tutoring
Friday: SRT – Makeup tests and tutoring
Daily Schedule
8:10-8:55: First Hour
9:00-9:45: Second Hour
9:50-10:20: SRT
10:25-11:10: Third Hour
11:15-12:45: Fourth Hour & Lunch Periods
A 11:15-11:45 Lunch
11:50-12:45 Class
B 11:15-11:43 Class
11:45-12:15 Lunch
12:20-12:45 Class
C 11:15-12:13 Class
12:15-12:45 Lunch
12:50-1:35: Fifth Hour
1:40-2:25: Sixth Hour
2:30-3:15: Seventh Hour
Two Hour Delay Schedule
10:10-10:40: First Hour
10:45-12:15: Fourth Hour & Lunch Periods
A 10:45-11:15 Lunch
11:20-12:15 Class
B 10:45-11:13 Class
11:15-11:45 Lunch
11:50-12:15 Class
C 10:45-11:43 Class
11:45-12:15 Lunch
12:20-12:50: Second Hour
12:55-1:25: Third Hour
1:30-2:00: Fifth Hour
2:05-2:35: Sixth Hour
2:40-3:15: Seventh Hour
(Announcements at 3:10-3:15)