Mrs. Miller

Phone: (812) 462-4252

Hi, there! Thanks for stopping by!

My name is Katie Miller, and I am currently enjoying my 12th year of teaching science at Terre Haute South! I teach Astronomy and AP Biology, and have a lot of fun with both of these courses! I look forward to getting to know each of my students throughout the year!

I’m a Terre Haute native with a B.S. in Biology, a B.S. in Science Education, and an M.S. in Biology from ISU. I enjoy reading, baking, and spending time with my family!

In addition to the  courses I teach, I am also the Science Olympiad coach, TEAMS coach, sponsor for prom, Early College Student Advocate, and Planetarium Director. Please reach out to me if you have any questions!

Below is the list of materials needed for my courses.  Please look under your course heading and have the appropriate items for class and bring them with you every day.

AP Biology

  • Textbook (Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minosky, and Orr)
  • Review Book (Baron)
  • Charged Chromebook
  • Paper
  • Writing tool

  • Textbook (Seeds and Backman)
  • Charged Chromebook
  • Paper
  • Writing tool
  • Sky and Telescope Star Chart (provided)
  • Always be respectful of the teacher’s right to teach, other students’ right to learn, and everyone in the classroom.
  • Keep up with required reading to stay on track! Schedules are provided to students for each unit with required reading outlined for each day.
  • Ask lots of questions for clarification! The classroom environment thrives on discussion and thoughtful question-asking!
  • Arrive to class on time every day with ALL your needed books and supplies.
  • Food and drink may be consumed in the lobby of the planetarium, but not in the theater space.
  • Cell phones may only be used when directly instructed. Cell phones should be out of sight during instructional time.
Weekly Schedule

Monday: SRT – Information provided

Tuesday: SRT – Makeup tests and tutoring

Wednesday: SRT – Clubs

Thursday: SRT – Makeup tests and tutoring

Friday: SRT – Makeup tests and tutoring

Daily Schedule

8:10-8:55:  First Hour

9:00-9:45:  Second Hour

9:50-10:20:  SRT

10:25-11:10:  Third Hour 

11:15-12:45:  Fourth Hour & Lunch Periods 

     A   11:15-11:45  Lunch 

           11:50-12:45  Class

     B   11:15-11:43  Class

           11:45-12:15  Lunch 

           12:20-12:45  Class

     C   11:15-12:13  Class 

           12:15-12:45  Lunch

12:50-1:35:  Fifth Hour 

1:40-2:25:  Sixth Hour

2:30-3:15:  Seventh Hour

Two Hour Delay Schedule

10:10-10:40:  First Hour

10:45-12:15:  Fourth Hour & Lunch Periods

     A   10:45-11:15  Lunch 

           11:20-12:15  Class

     B   10:45-11:13  Class

           11:15-11:45  Lunch 

           11:50-12:15  Class

     C   10:45-11:43  Class 

           11:45-12:15  Lunch

12:20-12:50:  Second Hour

12:55-1:25:  Third Hour 

1:30-2:00:  Fifth Hour 

2:05-2:35:  Sixth Hour

2:40-3:15:  Seventh Hour

(Announcements at 3:10-3:15)