Academics March 17, 2022 Science Fair & Science Bowl The Honey Creek Science Fair was held on Feb. 16th. Several students entered projects and spent many hours investigating their project… Karen Webb Love1
Academics February 24, 2022 Exploring the Planets! Students in Mrs. Schoffstall's class used books about the planets to complete research projects. They typed facts into Google Docs and printed… Karen Webb Love1
Academics February 2, 2022 8th Grade Book Tasting Party Students in Mrs. Schorr's 8th grade literature class enjoyed a Book Tasting event on January 13th and 14th in the… Karen Webb Love0
Academics December 14, 2021 Magic Milk in Science Class Mrs. Shannon Giles gave her 7th grade science students a challenge. Their assignment was to see what happened to milk… Karen Webb Love2
Academics April 7, 2021 HCMS Excels in Indiana Math League Competition Congratulations to the Honey Creek students who competed in the Indiana Math League competition. The 6th grade Honey Creek team… Karen Webb Love1
Academics April 7, 2021 MATHCOUNTS Champions The results for MATHCOUNTS are in! Four Honey Creek mathletes qualified for the state finals virtual invitational. These students were… Karen Webb Love4