About Our School

Honey Creek Middle School

Honey Creek Middle School is one of five middle schools in the Vigo County School Corporation for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. It is the southern-most middle school in the county. Upon completing middle school, the students move on to South Vigo High School.

A strong academic program is evidenced by achievements in math competitions, science honors, and state mandated test scores.  Every student is issued a chromebook which opens up a world of online resources and allows for creative projects.  Students have access to a wide variety of resources including ALEKS, BrainPOP, Britannica School Online Encyclopedia, Read Live, and Safari Montage.  Teachers create and organize units in the Canvas learning management system, and parents and students can track assignments and grades in the Skyward  school management software.

Mission Statement

The Honey Creek Middle School community provides all students with:

  • Hands-on opportunities to explore and participate
  • Consideration and respect for all individuals
  • Meaningful skills for lifelong learning
  • Safe learning environment
School-wide Goal

Students will improve reading comprehension across the curriculum.


Originally a high school, Honey Creek became a junior high school and later Honey Creek Middle School.  The new facility of 171,000 square feet opened in August 1993.  It houses an “academic wing” with classrooms, administrative areas, and the library media center.  The “activity wing” has athletic, physical education facilities, music, cafetorium, and industrial technology.

Our Sponsors

Thanks to the generosity of Pfizer, the Honey Creek Booster Club, and many other supporters, the school has an Outdoor Learning Center that can be used by all of the students to do many activities.  The center has covered table seating, storage areas, and accessible restrooms.

We are grateful to the Vigo County Education Foundation for funding many projects in our school such as the digital equipment used to broadcast our live student-led news program, WBTV, and our Care Cabinet.

“Honey Creek Middle School represents the hopes, aspirations, and the dreams of a school community which is attempting to provide outstanding educational facilities for the students who will occupy this structure. . . It is the hope of all who have been responsible for this new school that it will enhance the teaching and learning opportunities for all those who study here, both now and in years to come.”
~ Charles M. Clark, Superintendent, 1994

Facilities Report – Voluntary Indoor Air Quality Test 2024