Farrington Grove Elementary School seeks to fulfill its motto, “Where the Best Become Better.” We strive to provide a safe, caring, and challenging environment that allows children to maximize their potential. The staff of Farrington Grove is dedicated to implementing a curriculum which takes into consideration individual differences in the abilities and experiences of each child. Parents, staff, and children assume joint responsibility for the educational process and for fostering positive emotional development and social interaction. The school community, working together, directs its efforts to introduce, reinforce, and enhance all learning that enables the child to become an effective member of a democratic society.
Address: 1826 S. 6th St.
Phone number: 812-462-4423
Fax number: 812-462-4424
School starts at 8:15
School is dismissed at 2:45
College and Career Readiness
Through a focus on character traits, we’re producing students who are ready to contribute to Vigo County’s next chapter.
Launch video

The safe transportation of students is a responsibility shared by the VCSC administration, transportation staff, drivers, parents and students. We are committed to providing safe vehicles and qualified drivers along with school bus safety education to students and parents.

The Vigo County School Corporation uses an electronic flyer communication tool called Peachjar. Each school can email electronic flyers to its families. Organizations can send approved electronic flyers to all families at each school. Contact Katie Shane, Director of Communications, with questions.

Skyward is our data management system. The Vigo County School Corporation uses Skyward Family Access for parents/guardians to access their child's information, grades, and schedule. If you have questions about access or the information within your account, start with your child's school secretary.

Canvas is a course management system that supports online learning and teaching. It allows teachers to post information, lessons, and assignments online. It is being used by schools all over the world.