Home Town: Terre Haute, Indiana
Terre Haute South Vigo Graduate 1989
College: B.S. – Indiana State University
Masters Degree with a Professionalized License – August 2005
Elementary Education – Indiana State University
Golden Apple Recipient April 2008
Years of Experience: 29 years
Mr. Warren is married to his wife, Jacqui. She works as a Marketing Associate for Farm Bureau Insurance. Mr. and Mrs. Warren have four children. They are all former Dixie Bee students. The youngest of their four children is their daughter, Alaina. She will be a freshman at ISU where she will be studying to become a high school music teacher. She loves playing the trumpet and is a “Cat Mom” to the family’s three cats; Celeste, Hermes and Callie. Mr. Warren’s son, Ian, will be a sophomore at ISU studying Liberal Arts. He hopes eventually perform music on his trombone for massive audiences. Both Ian and Alaina are Marching Sycamores in the band at ISU. Mr. Warren has two adult sons as well. Aaron is the oldest and is married to Cassidy. Aaron is an electrician and Cassidy plans to be a social worker. Mr. Warren’s son, Evan, is married to Skyler. Evan works as a semi driver at Midwest Logistics. Evan’s wife, Skyler, loves Ford Mustangs and spends her time helping Evan work on cars and taking care of their pets.
Please bring your school corporation provided fully charged Chromebook Daily.
(Optional) I have protective pouches available for Chromebooks that can be purchased for $5 each. I will have samples available at open house.
(Required Supplies for my Classroom)
(1) 1/2 inch white 3 ring binder with clear sleeve on the front
(1) Package of 50 Sheet Protectors, Durable Clear Page Protectors 8.5 X 11 Inch for 3 Ring Binder, Plastic Sheet Sleeves, Durable Top Loading Paper Protector with Reinforced Holes
(1) pair of headphones for your Chromebook
(4) (24 count) crayons *Please do not send markers or extra large boxes of crayons
(12) Count Elmer’s Disappearing Purple or White School Glue Sticks- Washable
(3) #2-24 count pre-sharpened pencils (thicker lead mechanical accepted but we typically do not use these)
(1) pair of scissors (metal with plastic handles and rounded or pointed ends)
(1) large box of tissues
(1) roll of paper towels
(1) plastic slider pencil case with snap closure
(2) plastic pocket folders (one blue & one yellow)
(1) regular sized plastic school boxes (no locking boxes please)
(1) Non-rolling backpack
(2) Composition notebooks non-spiral wide ruled
(1) 16 or 24 count Crayola Colored Pencils
(1) Easy opening/closing Water Bottle brought daily- filled with water (these will remain in cubbies and must be free of leaks)
(1) Box of Band-aids
We do not need the following: Elmers glue, dry-erase markers, markers, zip-up pouches, large erasers, pencil-end erasers, spiral notebooks, pencil sharpeners
Please send a snack with your child daily. We have a very long morning as lunch is not until the afternoon. The students get very hungry. If you would like to donate snacks for our classroom, I gladly accept them and truly appreciate your generosity.
Optional – (1) container of disinfecting wipes
Optional – (1) Box of Thermal Scotch Brand Lamination sheets
Optional – New or gently used items for our treasure box (Age level appropriate toys, sealed snacks, drinks, etc…)
IF you are able to purchase Crayola crayons & colored pencils, Ticonderoga or Dixon pencils, and Expo dry-erase markers on sale, they last longer and perform better. However, ANY brand is acceptable and appreciated!
Please label all your child’s materials (except for pencils) with his or her name. This includes jackets, gloves, coats and hats.
I may request specific items throughout the school year for parties or extra projects. Please watch your email for these requests.
Mr. Warren’s 2023-2024 First Grade Class Amazon Wish List
Please click the link above to visit my Amazon Classroom Wish List. Here are a couple items to note:
I am starting an insect unit and would like to order these asap. We currently have 20 students in our class. I would like to have a couple extra.
I would gladly accept any Legos (new or used) to add to the ones we already have in the classroom. The sets I requested would be a welcome addition as well but I am not picky and would accept any donations of Legos! These are great for indoor recess.
I may be adding additional items to the wish list as the school year progresses.
With the addition of Chromebooks I am always looking for on-line, educational games and software. I have been using Blooket for about three years now. Recently the company has decided to limit the features unless teachers purchase a Plus membership. The cost for this is around $36 per year or around $3 per month. If you would like to sponsor a yearly membership or even monthly membership, please let me know. I also discovered Gimkit.com a couple years ago and used a trial edition. The children loved it and so did I! If a parent or parents would be willing to sponsor this platform or Blooket, please let me know.
Basic Rules
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Raise your hand to talk.
- Stay seated unless you have permission to get up.
- Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
- Leave all your toys at home.
- Respect all classmates and adults.
Verbal Warning – No significant consequences
First Card Flipped as a warning- (green to yellow)
Second Card Flipped- (yellow to orange) miss recess
Third Card Flipped- (orange to red) miss recess, contact parent
Severe problem- (red card) see authority for punishment
Weekly Encore Schedule
Monday: Library
Tuesday: Chromebooks & Bi-weekly Counselor Visit
Wednesday: Physical Education
Thursday: Art
Friday: Music
Daily Classroom Schedule
8:00-10:45 – Language Arts Block
10:45-11:00 – Morning Recess
11:00-11:30 – I/E
11:30-12:30 – Math Block
12:30-1:20 – Recess/Lunch
1:20-2:00 – Encore
2:00-2:30 – Science/SS/Health Block
2:30-2:40 – Clean-up
2:40 – Dismissal