Hello! My name is Jennifer Ferguson and I am so excited to be your 1st grade teacher! I absolutely love everything about first grade and I can’t wait to share it with you! I am married, I have 2 boys, Teddy and Phillip, and a dog named Leon. Both of my boys also attend Dixie Bee. I have a big extended family and I love spending time with all of them! I really enjoy playing with my kids and reading! I hope you’re ready for a fantastic year!
- (24) #2 pencils (Plain number 2, no mechanical pencils please)
- (2) 4-pack of fat dry erase markers
- (1) sock
(1) composition notebook
(3) boxes of crayons
(3-4) glue sticks
(1) pkg. of markers
(1) pkg. colored pencils
(4) highlighters (any color)
(2) plastic pocket folders (1 yellow, 1 blue)
(1) scissors pointed
(1) school/pencil box
- (2) boxes tissues
- 1 container of baby wipes (not sanitizer wipes)
- Girls bring sandwich size baggies.
- Boys bring gallon size baggies.
Weekly Encore Schedule
Monday: Chromebook
Tuesday: P.E.
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Music
Friday: Library
8:15-10:30 Language Arts
10:30-11:00 Social Studies/Science/Health
11:00-11:40 Lunch/Recess/Restroom Break
11:45-12:50 Math
12:50-1:30 Encore (Art, Music, PE, Library, Computer Lab)
1:30-1:45 Read Aloud/Catch up time
1:45-2:00 Afternoon Recess
2:00-2:30 I/E time
2:35-2:40 Dismissal