About Miss Mattingly
3 boxes of crayola crayons
1 plastic school box
1 pair of scissors
12 elmer’s purple glue sticks
5 pack of white shirts
1 inch 3 ring binder with a front clear pocket- white
12 sharpened pencils
Clean old sock for erasers
1 reusable easy to close/ open water bottle
1 roll of paper towels
1 box of tissues
Girls- 1 box quart size and 1 box sandwich ziploc and 1 set of paper plates
Boys- 1 box gallon size and 1 box snack size ziploc and 1 pack napkins
Snacks for 20-25 students to start, once a month afterwards~ EX:box of cereal, goldfish, pretzels, cookies, fruit snacks, granola bars, etc…
1 pack Clorox wipes
Mattingly’s extra supply list:
- Hand sanitizer
- Colored printer paper
- Extra craft supplies: feathers, pom poms, plain pasta, tissue paper, (any extra craft supplies you’d like to contribute).
- Markers
Type details here
*Bee Cooperative*
*Bee Kind*
*Bee In Control*
*Bee Responsible*
*Bee Your Best*
8:15 AM Class Begins
8:30 Calendar
9:00 Reading
10:00 Science/Health/Social Studies
10:50 – 11:30 AM Lunch/Recess
11:30 I.E.
12:00 Writing
12:30 Specials
1:15 Math
1:50 Recess