Mrs. Cassell’s Newsletter

What’s Happening at Dixie Bee?



Dixie Bee Elementary School Purpose Statement

Teachers, administrators, parents and the community of Dixie Bee School maintain high expectations for academic growth of all students. Students learn best when actively engaged in the learning process in a positive, safe, and secure school environment.

Dixie Bee Pledge

Today is a new day.  Yesterday is in the past.  Today I pledge to believe in myself, explore opportunities, experience excellence, and serve others. I am proud to be a bee!


January 29 – Feb. 7– $1.00 Sweet Surprise Valentine fundraiser for the Backpack Program by Student Council!

February 2  – Groundhog Day!

February 3-7 – Super Bowl Poster Contest!!  $1.00 per vote!

February 3-11  – After School Korean Club (2:40 – 4:15 PM) for assorted students in grades 3-5!

February 4– Mid-term reports will be sent home in the Tuesday folder with students dropping 2 letter grades in any given subject from their last report card or receiving a failing mark in any area.

February 7 – Dixie Bee Family Sweetheart Dance 6:00 – 8:00 PM at the Main Event hosted by our PTO!

February 12 – Student Council meeting from 2:40 – 3:30!

February 13 – Grade one classes to visit the Public Library! (Ferguson, Hendrix, Warren)

February 14 – Grade one classes to visit the Public Library! (Meng and Taylor)

February 14 – Happy Valentine’s Day!!  “I’ll love you ‘til the end of time, if you will be my Valentine!”

February 14 – Classroom Valentine parties!!

February 17– No school in honor of President’s Day.

February 18– 21– Kindness Spirit Week!!

18 – “PJ Day!” Dreaming of kindness!

19–  “Shiny Day!” – Kindness shines – wear bright colors, glitter or sparkles!

20 – “Tie Dye Day!” – Peace love and kindness!

21–  “Dixie Bee Gear/Colors Day!”  Dixie Bee students are kind students!

February 19 – Wizards Basketball fundraiser game at Terre Haute South – 6:30 PM!

February 28 – “Cookies with Mrs. Cassell,” at 2:00 PM!

Happy valentine's day celebration



  • GT Testing – Each spring, all grade one students are tested for the Gifted and Talented Program.  A test of G/T Potential will be administered in February.  In addition, each student’s classroom achievement scores will also be reviewed.  Families whose children are recommended for the G/T Program will be notified from Central Office in May.
  • CONGRATULATIONS!! – Mayor Sakbun’s Character Education classroom nominees for the month of January (Caring- “Feeling or showing concern and/or kindness to others.”)  are: KindergartenCharlotte Fisher, Adelynn Musgrove, Aubrey Parmer, Ensley Springer, 1st GradeBlakely Branstetter, Katherine Byrd, Ben Connolly, Kai Enterline, Sophia Romero, 2nd GradeIsabella Booker, Matilda Humek, Weston Kelley, Lillian Tesman, Lilly Yocum3rd Grade: Lena Copeland, Dorya Cozacov, Madalynn Dume, Rin Okitsu, Yashu Patel, 4th Grade: Parker Bergesen, Walker Chapman, Haley Dix, Cale Walters,  5th Grade: Diya Chauhan, Klaus Graham, Hailey Stephens, Lauryn Young.  Special congratulations are in order to first grader, Kai Enterline, who will represent Dixie Bee this month at the City Council meeting!!
  • Voicemail – Many times when trying to get a hold of parents, we reach a voicemail on the cell phone that states the mailbox has not been set up for that number.  When this happens, we cannot leave any type of message for you regarding your child.  Please check to make sure your voice mail is set up to accept messages!  Thank you!
  • A Reminder! – The ILEARN spring testing window for grades 3, 4 and 5 is April 14 – May 9, 2025.  Please do not schedule any out of town activities during this time frame.  Thank you! 



VCSC Mission Statement

The Vigo County School Corporation will equip students with lifelong skills and prepare them to become productive and responsible citizens.

Mrs. Cassell