VCSC Mission Statement
The Vigo County School Corporation will equip students with lifelong skills and prepare them to become productive and responsible citizens.
Dixie Bee Purpose Statement
Teachers, administrators, parents, and the community of Dixie Bee School maintain high expectations for academic growth of all students. Students learn best when actively engaged in the learning process in a positive, safe, and secure school environment.
The Dixie Bee
Today is a new day. Yesterday is in the past. Today I pledge to believe in myself, explore opportunities, experience excellence, and serve others. I am proud to be a BEE.
School Statistics


Parent Involvement
This year has been unique due to COVID-19. Parents and volunteers have not been allowed into our building. We hope the 21-22 school year will bring some normalcy back to our lives. Our staff and students look forward to seeing everyone back in our school soon! Thank you for your patience and cooperation this year. Keeping our students and staff safe and healthy continues to be our number one priority.
Instructional Focus
The school has identified the following school improvement goals in
English/language arts and Mathematics.
These goals have been identified due to student progress on specific state standards.
- Standard 2 Comprehension and Analysis of Nonfiction and Informational Text
- Students will increase their comprehension and analysis of nonfiction and informational text across the curriculum
- Students will increase their skills in the areas of Standard 4 Geometry and Standard 5 Measurement across the curriculum.
Meet Officer Jay. He is part of our school corporations School Protection Officer Program. He will be the first person to greet you when you enter our building. He monitors our halls and keeps everyone safe. Thank you Officer Jay!

Dixie Bee School Song
Sing to the tune of the Notre Dame Fight Song
Dixie Bee students all love our school,
And do our best to follow its rules.
Built in nineteen-seventy,
We are a learning family.
Great kids, great teachers,
Best staff alive,
We like to buzz around in our hive.
All who pass through always see
We’re happy at Dixie Bee – WHEE!!!
Hive History
Over 50 Years of Excellence in Education
Bids were taken on October 18, 1968, and the doors opened February 1971. Architect Rene C. Aybar designed the 80,000 square foot building. It has 24 general education rooms, 2 kindergarten rooms, facilities for art, music, physical education, and a cafeteria in the multi-purpose room. The staff spent the weekend moving into their new rooms. On Monday 800 students arrived carrying books and materials from their old schools (Prairieton, Pimento, Fuqua, and Maryland). The school is named after highway US 41. It was known as Dixie Highway because it took you to the southern states. Dixie Bee was renovated in 2007.