Business Education
Business and Information Technology -‐Middle Level course(s) provides concepts and applications that facilitate the development of competencies required for success in all academic areas and in real-‐world contexts. The curriculum relates closely to understandings and competencies students will need as their world expands and as they develop career interests. The four broad areas included in this curriculum are technology, career exploration, personal financial responsibility, and basic business(business communications, marketing, and entrepreneurship). The domains and standards for each area provide many opportunities to engage students in learning essential business content and in applying technology as a tool. This approach is in keeping with the NETS (National Education Technology Standards) approach, which places heavy emphasis on integrating technology into the curriculum. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation mandates that students reach technological proficiency by the completion of the eighth grade.•DOE Code: 0494•Recommended Grade Level: 6-‐8
The computer lab is always in need of:
Clorox wipes
Hand sanatizer
USB drives
- Always be respectful of the teacher’s right to teach, other students’ right to learn, and everyone in the classroom.
- NO cell phone or gum in my classroom.
- Arrive to class on time every day with ALL your needed books and supplies.
- Follow all VCSC computer rules
Daily Schedule
8:05-8:50: 1st Period (Related Arts Team Time)
8:55-9:40: 2nd Period (6th Grade Team Time)
9:45-10:30: 3rd Period (7th Grade Team Time)
10:35-11:05: 6 & 7th Grade Lunch
10:35-11:20: 4th Period (8th Graders) (8th Grade Team Time)
11:10-11:55: 4th Period 6 & 7th Grade
11:25-11:55: 8th Grade Lunch
12:00-12:45: 5th Period
12:50-1:35: 6th Period
1:40-2:25: 7th Period
2:30-3:15: 8th Period Advisory