A Little About Me
I have been teaching at West Vigo High School since 1990. I have taught a wide variety of classes including Accounting, Business Foundations, Business Law, Business Management, Personal Financial Responsibility, Business Math, Marketing, Keyboarding (even typing back in the day), Computer Applications, Computer Science/Software Development, Web Design, Interactive Media, PC-Support and Network Systems.
I am currently teaching classes in the Software Development Pathway and the Computer Science Pathway as well as the Personal Financial Responsibility course.
My wife (Nancy) and I enjoy hiking and nature photography. We enjoy exploring our state and national parks and spending time with our children and grandchildren.
(The picture is a short-eared owl I took in 2019)

- Always be respectful of the teacher’s right to teach, other students’ right to learn, and everyone in the classroom.
- NO food or drinks by the computers.
- Arrive to class on time every day.
- I will dismiss you at the end of class – NOT the bell.
Daily Schedule
8:00-8:52: PLAN
8:57-9:44: Principles of Computers and Information Technology/Information Tech Support/Networking
9:49-10:19: SRT
10:24-11:11: Computer Science
11:16-12:03: Tech Resource Hour
12:03-12:39: Lunch
12:42-1:28: Intro to Computer Science
1:33-2:19: Topics in Computer Science
2:24-3:10: Study Hall/Courseware