Personal Bio
Hello! My name is Morgan Cole! I am a licensed Special Education teacher for the State of Indiana. I am originally from Chicago, but I grew up most of my life in North West Indiana. I graduated from Lake Central High School and went on to pursue an Education degree at Indiana State University. I have remained in Terre Haute since I graduated college!
Below is a list of materials needed for class. Please make sure you have all mateirals with you every day.
- Pencil ONLY no pens.
- Paper/Notebook
- Chromebook
- Folder
- Always be respectful of the teacher’s right to teach, other students’ right to learn, and everyone in the classroom.
- NO cell phones while I am teaching. During independent work time you are allowed to have them.
- Arrive to class on time every day with ALL your needed books and supplies.
- DO NOT line up at the door, please remain in your seats until the bell rings or I dismiss you.
Weekly Schedule
1st- 8:00-8:52
2nd- 8:57-9:44
SRT- 9:49-10:19
3rd- 10:24-11:11
4th- 11:16-12:03
Lunch- 12:03-12:39
5th- 12:42-1:28
6th- 1:33-2:19
7th- 2:24-3:10
Mrs. Cole’s Daily Schedule
8:00-8:52: Algebra room 102
8:57-9:44: Algebra w/ Boehler
9:49-10:19: SRT (Every Tues/Thurs I offer Algebra 1 tutoring during this time)
10:24-11:11: Algebra w/ Boehler
11:16-12:03: Algebra room 102
12:03-12:39: Lunch
12:42-1:28: Algebra room 102
1:33-2:19: Algebra w/ Boehler
2:24-3:10: Plan period best time for parent contact.