Mrs. Kane
Hello, I am Mrs. Kane, and I teach Biology 1, Bio 1A, and Bio 105/107 Diversity of Life (dual credit) in room 133. Teaching is my second career, I was in the business side of healthcare for 17 years but realized that was not my calling! I loved to teach people, so I decided to go back to school to teach secondary education, and it was the best decision I ever made! I truly love being in the classroom and enjoy my students and our daily interactions immensely!
My husband Jason is a City of Terre Haute Fire Department Captain on the Ladder Truck at Station 5. We have been married for 24 years and have 3 amazing children. Krista is a 2020 graduate and valedictorian of West Vigo and a 2024 graduate of IU; Hailey is a 2022 graduate and valedictorian of West Vigo and is a junior at Purdue; and Joe is a freshman at West Vigo Middle School.
Some of my favorite things are watching my kids do the things they love, family movie nights, fishing, reading, quilting, and going on road trip adventures!
Every student is expected to have the following items:
- Pencil
- Notebook
- 3 ring binder with 6 tabs labeled:
- Bio 1-1
- useful handouts
- homework
- quiz
- labs
- notes
- blank paper (if you don’t have a notebook)
- Bio 1A and Bio 105/107
- useful handout
- homework
- quiz
- composition notebook
- Bio 1-1
- Chromebook (charged and ready everyday)
- Always be respectful of the teacher’s right to teach, other students’ right to learn, and everyone in the classroom.
- NO cell phone or gum in my classroom.
- Water only to drink and only in the desks NEVER in the lab stations.
- You will only have 2 passes per grading period.
- Arrive to class on time every day with ALL your needed books and supplies.
- I will dismiss you at the end of class – NOT the bell.
Daily Schedule
9:49-10:19: SRT
12:03-12:39: Lunch