Meet Ms. Witt
Hello! My name is Christiana Wittenmyer, but like my students, you can call me Ms. Witt. This is my 3rd year as the Choir Director at WVHS. I am so blessed to be able to work in such a caring and familial school environment. Even calling it work is almost a stretch – I love my job and consider myself lucky to get to connect with my students everyday through the wonderful world of music. I am also the Junior Class Sponsor! I didn’t know what I was getting into when I accepted this specific role, however it has made me grow in more ways than one, and I am so glad I said yes! Getting to know/forming relationships with students is my favorite part of what I do.
I graduated from Indiana State University with a Bachelors in Music Education with a Choral/Vocal Music concentration. I am the associate director of the Terre Haute Children’s Choir, and I’m an employed instructor of voice with Terre Haute Music School. Interested in music lessons? Click here.
In the summer of 2018 I spent two weeks in Europe performing and studying music. In Austria I performed large musical works in various venues, such as the Esterházy Palace and St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna. The second week was spent studying the Kodály music teaching method at the Kodály Institute in Kecskemét, Hungary.
I am also a huge fan of theatre! I have been involved in a number of musicals and plays in the past 12 years. Most notably, I traveled to Vietnam to perform in a two week tour of the musical Company by Stephen Sondheim.
A little more about me! (caution: you may fall asleep halfway through)
I am a huge Colts fan, I love spending an unnecessary amount of time in coffee shops, and I would pick watching a TV show over a movie any day of the week. I don’t have a favorite color – I more so prefer different combinations/palettes of colors! I deeply cherish my relationship with God. On my first trip to the ocean I was stung by a jellyfish and was left scarred – physically and mentally!! I am always searching for the “why” in all situations, and my favorite song/artist changes as quickly as Indiana weather. Running and crocheting are two things I love a lot but don’t do a lot. I have a HUGE soft spot in my heart for animals. My cat, Queso, is a rescue from a Real Hacienda parking lot (hence the name). I would love to read more books, although if you know me you know I keep myself very, very busy, and don’t necessarily give myself time to do things that lead to personal development, like reading books and journaling. That being said, I am working on my time-management skills and being a teacher has assisted in more ways than one! A big goal of mine is to hike at every Indiana State Park. I continue to work hard to lessen my ecological footprint. (<– Do you know yours? Click that link.) I dabble at piano (I teach music, duh), but I would like to be so much better! And finally, (thank goodness, right?) my family and loved ones are what I hold dearest to my heart, and I don’t have enough words or time to explain how much I love them, and how thankful I am for their love and support.
Weekly Schedule
Monday: Lorem ipsum
Tuesday: Lorem ipsum
Wednesday: Lorem ipsum
Thursday: Lorem ipsum
Friday: Lorem ipsum
Daily Schedule
8:00-8:52: Plan Period
8:57-9:44: Middle School Choir
9:49-10:19: SRT
10:24-11:11: Middle School Choir
11:16-12:03: Applied Music
12:03-12:39: Lunch
12:42-1:28: Treble Choir
1:33-2:19: Concert Choir
2:24-3:10: Concert Choir