Welcome to English Literature and Composition! Reading has always been a huge part of a my life for as long as I can remember. I spent summers reading most every book in the kids section of the Clinton Public Library growing up, and then moved onto mystery novels, which are still a favorite. I began writing poetry and lyrics at age 15, and eventually moved onto longer pieces of work as I moved through high school. I graduated from Terre Haute North Vigo High School in 1993 (the last year before the freshmen were added to the high schools!), and then entered the workforce directly after. I spent many years working as a healthcare receptionist and biller as I completed my English degree.
After completing a degree in English at SMWC, I chose to pursue a Masters degree in non-profit leadership development. It wasn’t until a few years later that I realized that teaching was were I really wanted to be. After receiving my teacher certification, I began teaching 9th and 12th grade English at Terre Haute South Vigo High School in 2016. I then moved to West Vigo High School in 2019.
Currently, I teach English 12 Literature, Dual Credit ENGL111/English 12 Advanced Composition, Dual Credit ENGL111/English 11 Advanced Composition, Women’s Literature, and Creative Writing.
My family are members of the West Vigo Community and proud Vikings. I changed schools so I could teach in the school my daughter would attend and be a larger part of my community. We love our West Vigo family!
I require each student to give their best effort and focus to my daily instruction. Laziness and disrespect will not be tolerated. You EARN your grade based on your efforts at homework assignments, quizzes, test, etc. Put forth your best effort and it will pay off!
Classroom Expectations:
- Restrooms and nurse visits must be taken care of during the passing period. TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE GOING SO YOU ARE NOT COUNTED TARDY.
- Phones are a part of life, however, you can afford to put them away once class starts. I will likely offer amply opportunities to use them. Take our earbuds until I say you can listen to music. Don’t make this an issue.
- Chromebooks should be ready to go when you enter the room.
- Be in your seat when the bell rings!
- No food, drink, gum or hats in the classroom.
- Respect should be shown to everyone. Respect other people’s property. Respect the opinions of others during class discussions. You are not required to agree, but you are required to disagree respectfully.
- All school and corporation rules apply. This includes the school’s policy on cell phones.
Plagiarism is defined as using the words of another author or source and claiming it as your own AND writing an assignment for another class and submitting it for a second grade. There is a zero tolerance policy when it comes to plagiarism. Any student who plagiarizes will receive a zero on the assignment and be subject to other disciplinary actions. All major papers are required to be run through a plagiarism checker before handing in. The use of AI technology to complete essays is prohibited. If I suspect you’ve used AI to complete and essay, the onus is on the student to prove otherwise. This may include rewriting the essay within the classroom. I WILL ALWAYS FIND OUT IF YOU PLAGIARIZED!
Daily Schedule
8:00-8:52: English 12 Composition
8:57-9:44: English 12 Literature
9:49-10:19: SRT
10:24-11:11: English 12 Literature
11:16-12:03: Planning
12:03-12:39: Lunch
12:42-1:28: English 12 Literature
1:33-2:19: English 12 Literature
2:24-3:10: English 12 Composition