Welcome to Mrs. Cayton’s Classroom!
- 3 packages-Mini twistables crayons
- 3 packages- 24 ct crayons
- 8- black dry erase, low odor markers
- 2- fluorescent yellow highlighters
- 24- No2 presharpened pencils
- 24 glue sticks
- 1 backpack big enough for their folders and no wheels please please put your child’s name on the inside of their backpack.
- 2- blue poly pocket with brad holder folders
- 2- red poly pocket with brad holder folders
These are some items that are very useful in my classroom each year. Please feel free to send these in to the classroom if you feel like you can purchase them.
- white cardstock
- colored cardstock
- laminating pouches
- colored copy paper
- Legos
- treasure box prizes
- outdoor toys (bubbles, chalk, small sand toys)
- seasonal stickers
- Always be respectful of the teacher’s right to teach, other students’ right to learn, and everyone in the classroom.
- NO cell phone or gum in my classroom.
- Arrive to class on time every day with ALL your needed books and supplies.
- I will dismiss you at the end of class – NOT the bell.
Weekly Encore Schedule
Monday: Computer Lab
Tuesday: PE
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Library
Friday: Art
Daily Classroom Schedule
8:00-8:30: Students arrive, eat breakfast, prepare for the day
8:30-9:10: Encore Classes
9:15-9:30- Bathroom breaks
9:30-10:00- ELA Centers
10:00-10:45: IE
10:45-11:30: Lunch and recess
11:30-11:45: Bathroom/ Drink break
11:45-12:15: Reading
12:15-12:30: Writing
12:30-12:40: Brain Break
12:40-12:50: Calendar
12:50-1:10: Math
1:10-1:20: Afternoon recess
1:20-1:30: Snack
1:30- 2:00: Math Centers
2:00-2:25: Social Studies/ Health/ Science
2:25-2:30: Pack-up
2:30-2:35: Dismissal