Agri-Science: Plants or Animals


Principles of Agriculture
Animal Science
Plant and Soil Science
Advanced Life Science, Animals
Advanced Life Science, Plants and Soils
Agricultural Research Capstone



In the Agri-Science Plants or Animals pathway, students may choose plants, animals, or double up. Students will learn principles of agriculture and agribusiness concepts. For animals, students will take Animal Science, Advanced Life Science: Animals, and an Agricultural Research Capstone. For plants, students will take Plant and Soil Science, Advanced Life Science: Plants and Soils, and an Agricultural Research Capstone.

Additional information

Dual Credit

AGRI 100, AGRI 102, AGRI 103, AGRI 105, AGRI 107, AGRI 109, AGRI 111, AGRI 117, AGRI 204, AGRI 280, Ivy Tech

Technical Certificates

General Ag Technical Certificate

Careers & Pay

Environmental Science and Protection Technician: $29,070.59, Environmental Scientists and Specialists: $50,309.97, Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers: $25,714.39, Veterinarians: $96,779.64, Veterinary Assistants and Lab. Animal Caretakers: $29,684.84