Welcome! I am Mrs. Sereno, and I am a Resource Teacher at Ben Franklin Elementary. I am from West Terre Haute, Indiana and graduated with a degree in Elementary Education and Mild Interventions at SMWC. I have taught special education at the VCSC for 10 years.
My Favorite Things:
- My family
- Coffee
- Sunrises and Sunsets
- Gardening
- Baking
What to Expect in My Classroom
My classroom is a resource room where my cohort, Mrs. Stump, and I differentiate small group reading math lessons for students. These small group lessons target specific skill practice which are geared to target individualized student goals.
Classroom Transformations
I really love providing a learning opportunity that is fun and engaging. My favorite way to provide engaging learning opportunities is through classroom transformations. Throughout the year, our classroom work area will transform into an inspiring theme for an entire week! Students will participate in various skill review activities based on the theme. Listed below are examples of transformations my students have participated in. New Ideas are in the works!!
- The Bat Cave (Halloween)
- Mrs. Clause Bakery (Christmas)
- Candy Shop (Valentines Day)
- Superbowl Game Day!
Annual Case Review Schedule
August: Move-in conferences only
September: September
October: October and June
November: November
December: December
January: January and July
February: February and August
March: March
April: April
May: May
What is an Annual Case Review?
An Annual Case Review (ACR) is a conference held by a students Teacher of Record, parent, classroom teacher, and other team members to review the students academic growth. VCSC conducts ACRs within the students birth month.
If a parent has concerns that need addressed before the ACR month, please make contact to request a conference.
Parent safeguards are presented to parents once a year at the ACR or first scheduled meeting of the year.
The Covered Bridge Special Education District website has many resources available for families. Go check it out!
- tissues
- dry erase markers
- pencils
- erasers
- index cards
- Clorox wipes
- Crayons
I am always looking for new resources to use in the classroom. Teachers Pay Teachers and Donors Choose are two donation platforms I use regularly to purchase materials for the class. Check out the following links for current grants.