Physical Education with
Phone: (812) 462-4456
Email: mkc2@vigoschools.org
Visit Mrs. Crawn’s website
~Physical Education~
Learning to Move and Moving to Learn!
My goal as the Physical Education teacher at Lost Creek is to encourage my students to be healthy and physically active FOR LIFE! P.E. is so much more than just sports. Here at Lost Creek, a large portion of the year is focused on team-building and sportsmanship.
I love hearing students compliment their classmates and celebrate everybody’s success!
***Tennis shoes are necessary to keep our students safe and are the best option for P.E. days. Please make sure students have tennis shoes on for P.E. days! If you need assistance with this, please let your child’s teacher know.
- Tennis shoes
- Long hair pulled back
- Water bottle
- Paper Towel
- Kleenex
- Positive “I CAN” attitude
- iTunes gift cards
(We like to move to music!)
- Students should know (or be practicing) how to tie and double knot their shoes)
- Happy, healthy hearts!
- Always show respect to yourself, your classmates, your teachers, the school, and all P.E. equipment!
- Tennis shoes need to be worn on P.E. days.
- Tennis shoes should be tied and double knotted for safety.
- Bring a positive attitude with you, it will be a lot more fun!
- NO gum during P.E. class.
- Do not be afraid to try new things!