Mrs. Keith- 1st Grade
Hello! My name is Wendy Keith. I am thrilled that you have stopped by my webpage! I was a Lost Creek student when I was in elementary and love that I am back here. I have been teaching at Lost Creek for 7 years. Before moving to Lost Creek, I taught 1st grade and Reading Recovery at Deming Elementary.
The following items are always welcomed!
- Post-Its
- Markers
- Astrobrights Color Paper
- Colored Dry Erase Markers
- Index Note Cards
Our classroom rule is to Be Kind!
- What it looks like: smiling, sharing materials and knowledge, helping each other with difficult tasks, and looking at the person who is talking/answering.
- What is sounds like: saying “Please” and “Thank you”, quiet while others are answering and/or sharing information, soft and kind voices, and lots of encouraging words.
- What it feels like: we will have a warm and inviting classroom where everyone feels loved and accepted.
Weekly Schedule
Encore Schedule:
Monday: Library
Tuesday: Physical Education
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Computer Lab
Friday: Music
Daily Schedule
8:00-8:30: Morning work
Free time to socialize and finish work from the previous day
8:30-9:00: Check morning work and Morning Meeting
9:00-9:30: Intervention/Enrichment
9:45-10:45: Reading/Writing Block
10:55-11:35: Lunch/Recess
11:40-12:00: Calendar and Read Aloud
12:10-12:50: Encore
1:00-1:30: Math Lesson
1:30-1:45: Extra Recess
1:50-2:00: Math Games
2:00-2:30: Science/Social Studies
2:30: Prepare for dismissal
2:40: Dismissal