Get To Know Me!
Hello! My name is Miss. Calvert. The 2024-2025 school year will be my fifth year at Benjamin Franklin. This will be my third year teaching 2nd grade. I previously taught 1st and 2nd Grade both for two years. I grew up and live in Marshall, IL with my mom and three cats: Boo, Meeko, and Jasper. I graduated Indiana State University in 2018 with my Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education. I was also a 4-year member of the Marching Sycamores Color Guard during my time there. Some of my favorite things are coffee, Disney, Marvel, crafting and anything chocolate! I am excited for what the next school year has in store for us all!
drawing pads, or rulers**
Supplies needed:
*3 x 3-pronged pocket folders (green,yellow and red)
*1 regular size school box (with name)
*2 boxes of 24 crayons
*1 small or junior sized pair metal scissors with name on handle
*1 yellow highlighter
*2 packages of #2 pencils (24 or more in each package)
*1 package of colored pencils
*2 glue sticks (not bottles)
*4 BLACK dry erase markers (EXPO work the best and do not dry out as fast)
*3 large boxes of tissue (Kleenex, Puffs, etc.)
*1 package of pencil top erasers
*2 regular block erasers
*1 box of Ziploc bags (sandwich, quart, or gallon)
*1 large bottles of hand sanitizer
*2 Large containers of disinfecting wipes
*Headphones or earbuds with name on them
Here is the link to our class Amazon Wish-list. We appreciate any donations we receive! It takes a village to teach and raise all children, so we could not do what we do best without your generosity!
- 1. Always be respectful of the teacher’s right to teach, other students’ right to learn, and everyone in the school.
- 2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- 3. Look and Listen when someone is speaking.
- 4. Raise your hand to speak or leave your seat.
- 5. Clean up after yourself.
- 6. Treat others with Kindness!
Weekly Encore Schedule
Monday: Music
Tuesday: Gym
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Computer Lab
Friday: Library
Daily Schedule
8:00-8:15: Arrival
8:15-8:30: Morning Meeting
8:30-9:30: OG Phonics
9:30-9:50: Reading Comprehension
9:50-10:50: Math
10:50-11:35: Recess/ Lunch
11:35-12:00: Silent Reading
12:00-12:30: Grammar/Writing
12:30-1:00: Intervention/Enrichment
1:00-1:35: Science/Social Studies/Health
1:35-2:20: Specials
2:20-2:35: Dismissal