I began teaching for the Vigo County School Corporation in 1992 and have been at Woodrow Wilson since 2013. I graduated from Indiana University in 1992 and received a Master’s degree from ISU in 1999. I have also worked in curriculum development and teacher training. Outside of the classroom, I enjoy photography as a hobby.
Be on time
– Be in your seat and ready to begin when the bell rings.
Respect yourself, others, and your surroundings
– Listen and stay on task
– Do not mark on or destroy others property
– When I ask you to sit quietly and work:
Sit silently and work without talking to your neighbor
Sitting with your head down and or sleeping is not respectful behavior
– You should have your charged chromebook with you each day.
– The chromebook is to be used for in class assignments and as an educational resource.
– Only lesson related use of the chromebook is permitted during class.
– The chromebook is not to be used as a charger for your personal electronic devices.
Be prepared with the appropriate materials each day
– Textbook
– Chromebook (charged)
– Paper and pencil
– Completed homework
– Do your own work to the best of your ability
– Ask for help if you need it.
– Have assignments completed, with your name on them at the time they are due.
– The textbook should be used to look up the answers to worksheets, not the internet.
- The hall pass pages provided each grading period will be the official hall passes for class.
- The use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices is not allowed in the classroom other than for educational purposes. These devices, if not being used for the lesson, must be out of sight.
- Due to safety, cleanliness, and equity purposes, snacks are not permitted in class. (if water fountains are not in use, water bottles will be permitted)
- If there is a sub, I expect that you will treat that person with the respect they deserve as a guest in the classroom.
Daily Schedule:
8:05-8:50: Advisory
8:55-9:40: 2nd Hour
9:45-10:30: 3rd Hour
10:35-11:20: 4th Hour
11:25-12:10: 5th Hour
12:15-12:45: Lunch
12:50-1:35: 7th Hour
1:40-2:25: 8th Hour
2:30-3:15: 9th Hour
Grade Scale:
100 A+
93-99 A
90-92 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
67-69 D+
63-66 D
60-62 D-
0-59 F
- earbuds
- passive / capacitive stylus
- pencils
- colored pencils
- highlighters
- red pen
- Tissues
- Sanitizing wipes
- inexpensive “dollar store” earbuds