GT / Science Fair

  • GT students will have 3 tests throughout the year over Greek and Latin root prefixes and suffixes.
    • Dates for these tests as well as Quizlet links can be found by selecting the tab below.
  • Please note that the bulk of the work on science fair projects will be done at home.
    • Students will be given project guidelines and timelines at school, and I will check in with them periodically. However, much of the work will be self-directed.
    • Parents are encouraged to offer support and reminders and allow children to do the projects by themselves.
    • Useful information can be found by selecting the tabs below.
A-M  – October 6th
Review Link
Use code: SRDCH


N-P  – December 1st
Review Link
Use code: YAV5T


Q-V  – March 2nd
Review Link
Use code: P4BS6

Visit Science Buddies for helpful information about your Science Fair Project.

  • Problem statement (question) – 9/7
    How does (independent variable) affect (dependent variable)?
  • Hypothesis  -9/14
    (If / Then statement)
  • Materials list – 9/21
  • Procedure – 10/5
  • Sources – 10/19
  • Data – 1/4
  • Results – 1/18
  • Conclusion – 1/25
  • Research- 2/1
  • Abstract Due – 2/8
  • Science Fair – 2/15

Display :

  • Project title
  • Problem statement (Question)
  • Hypothesis (in the form of an “If / then” statement)
  • Procedure (use a step by step format)
  • Materials
  • Data (charts, graphs, tables)
  • Photographs / illustrations
  • Results
  • Conclusion

Include :

  • Research paper
  • Abstract (official abstract form given by teacher)
Display (20 pts)
Aesthetics Is the information spelled correctly? Is the exhibit set up in a way that is pleasing to the eye, organized and easy to follow?
Clarity Does the display clearly explain the project? Is the data complete, appropriate and clearly represented?
Creativity (10 pts)
Originality Does the project show originality and creativity in its concept and approach?
Skill (10 pts)
Effort Does the project show much effort? Is there evidence of skill in the use of tools and / or methods?
Thoroughness (20 pts)
Abstract Does the abstract present a good overview of the project?
Research Does research show the background of the problem, indicate the use of an experimental approach, and lead the exhibitor to form a logical conclucion.
Scientific Though (40 pts)
Scientific Method Did the exhibitor follow the steps of the Scientific method?
Cause and Effect Did the exhibitor adequately describe ovservations and recognize important occurrences?
Conclusion Is the conclusion appropriate for the results of the experiment? Did the exhibitor properly use a control and compare that to a manipulated variable in order to evaluate the expected outcome?
Underlying Principles Does the project demonstrate an understanding of the concepts or principles underlying the work?

An abstract is an abbreviated version of your science fair project final report. For most science fairs it is limited to a maximum of 250 words (check the rules for your competition). Almost all scientists and engineers agree that an abstract should have the following five pieces: 

    • Introduction. This is where you describe the purpose for doing your science fair project or invention. Why should anyone care about the work you did? You have to tell them why. Did you explain something that should cause people to change the way they go about their daily business? If you made an invention or developed a new procedure how is it better, faster, or cheaper than what is already out there? Motivate the reader to finish the abstract and read the entire paper or display board. 
    • Problem Statement. Identify the problem you solved or the hypothesis you investigated.
    • Procedures. What was your approach for investigating the problem? Don’t go into detail about materials unless they were critical to your success. Do describe the most important variables if you have room.
    • Results. What answer did you obtain? Be specific and use numbers to describe your results. Do not use vague terms like “most” or “some.”
    • Conclusions. State what your science fair project or invention contributes to the area you worked in. Did you meet your objectives? 
  • Things to Avoid
  • Avoid jargon or any technical terms that most readers won’t understand. 
  • Avoid abbreviations or acronyms that are not commonly understood unless you describe what they mean. 
  • Abstracts do not have a bibliography or citations. 
  • Abstracts do not contain tables or graphs. 

Why Is an Abstract Important?

Your science fair project abstract lets people quickly determine if they want to read the entire report. Consequently, at least ten times as many people will read your abstract as any other part of your work. It’s like an advertisement for what you’ve done. If you want judges and the public to be excited about your science fair project, then write an exciting, engaging abstract!

Since an abstract is so short, each section is usually only one or two sentences long. Consequently, every word is important to conveying your message. If a word is boring or vague, refer to a thesaurus and find a better one! If a word is not adding something important, cut it! But, even with the abstract’s brief length, don’t be afraid to reinforce a key point by stating it in more than one way or referring to it in more than one section.

How to Meet the Word Limit

Most authors agree that it is harder to write a short description of something than a long one. Here’s a tip: for your first draft, don’t be overly concerned about the length. Just make sure you include all the key information. Then take your draft and start crossing our words, phrases, and sentences that are less important than others. Look for places where you can combine sentences in ways that shorten the total length. Put it aside for a while, then come back and re-read your draft. With a fresh eye, you’ll probably find new places to cut. Before you know it you will have a tightly written abstract.

Paper: Standard size 8.5 x 11

Page Margins: 1” on all sides 

Font: 12-pt Times Roman

Spacing: Double-spaced throughout

Alignment of Text: Flush left (with uneven right margin)

Paragraph indentation:  ½” or 5 spaces

Page numbers: On every page, in the upper right margin, ½” from the top and flush with the right margin. Put your last name followed by the page number

Title Page: Project title should be centered several inches below the top of the page. Your name, grade and date should be listed in the lower right corner.

Tables: Place tables and illustrations as close as possible to the text they refer to.  A table is labeled Table and given a number (e.g. Table 1).  The table title appears above the table, capitalized and flush left.  Sources and notes appear below the table, flush left. 

Illustrations: Photos, graphs, charts or diagrams should be labeled Figure (usually abbreviated Fig.), and assigned a number (i.e. Fig. 1). The title and source (if any) appear underneath the figure, flush left, in a continuous block of text rather than one element per line. 


Research Paper Scoring Rubric:
Margins 2
Font 2
Spacing /Allign 2
Indentation 2
Page #’s 2
Total 10
Title Page 5
Table of Contents 5
Introduction 5
Hypothesis 5
Research 10
Materials 5
Procedure 5
Data 10
Observations 10
Results 10
Conclusion 10
Bibliography 10