Welcome to Mrs. Woodason’s Page

Phone: (812) 462-4493
Email: llw3@vigoschools.org

About Mrs. Woodason

Welcome to Mrs. Woodason’s first grade. My name is Laura Woodason. I am married to Andrew Woodason and we have two children. Connor is 10 years old and Kinley is 7 years old. They both go to Ouabache, too! We love to play games together, take vacations, and watch sports! We have a small yorkie named Yadi and a cavapoo named Lexi! I have been teaching first grade at Ouabache for 10 years. I adore teaching first grade because every single day is a new adventure. You just can’t predict what you will hear and see each day! I have always wanted to be a teacher and I’m blessed to do this job everyday!

Ouabache – First Grade – School Supply List

  • 12 Yellow number two pencils
  • 4 pink erasers 
  • 2 packs of crayons (24 pack) 
  • 1 box of colored pencils 
  • 1 pair of scissors 
  • 6 glue sticks 
  • 1 notebook
  • 4 black dry erase markers 
  • 1 supply box (plain plastic works best)  
  • 2 boxes of tissues 


Please label the supply box, notebook, scissors, crayons, and colored pencils with your child’s name to make our first day run more smoothly! It is going to be a great year and we look forward to seeing you in August!

Classroom Rules

  1. Raise your hand for permission to speak.

  2. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. 

  3. Follow directions quickly. 

  4. Make smart choices. 

  5. Keep your dear teacher HAPPY! 🙂

We love to celebrate birthdays in first grade! We will celebrate the birthday kiddos once a month! Please contact me if you would like to donate items like cupcakes, cookies, juice, or other store bought treats during your child’s birthday month!

Specials Schedule

Monday- Computer Lab

Tuesday-Gym (please wear tennis shoes)




Daily Schedule

8:00-8:30 Announcements/morning work/morning meeting 

8:30-10:00 Reading block



10:45-11:40- Math



12:40-1:00- Daily 5  

1:00-1:40- Encore

1:40-2:30 Science/Social Studies/ Health

2:40-2:45  dismissal

Click the link to connect with us on Class Dojo!


Please feel free to contact me though messages on class dojo! We will use dojo a lot. We use it for behavior management, displaying work, messaging parents, and posting pictures!

Students will earn points, 1 point = $1. They will check out at the DOJO store every so often to earn prizes or they can save for a BIG prize!

In the News

Classroom Stories