Welcome to Mrs. Glendening’s Website!
Please label all supplies with your child’s name. If you have purchased school supplies that are not listed below you may keep them at home.
⦁ Plastic tote with lid-shoebox size
⦁ Plastic School box- 8 ½” x 5”
⦁ 40 or more pencils (sharpened if possible/please no mechanical pencils)
⦁ 4 big erasers
⦁ 6-8 small glue sticks (please no glue in bottles)
⦁ 1 pair of 5” pointed scissors
⦁ 1 box of 24 count crayons (please no markers or colored pencils)
⦁ 1 composition notebook
⦁ 4 heavy duty, vinyl, 2 pocket folders with prongs (1 green, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue)
⦁ ½ or 1 inch (please no larger) soft/flexible three ring binder (any color)
⦁ 1 box of Ziplock bags with sliders (boys-sandwich size, girls-gallon size)
⦁ 2 boxes of tissues
⦁ 1 pack of 4 Dry Erase markers (black)
⦁ washcloth, sock, or eraser to use on dry erase boards
⦁ 1 highlighter (any color)
Optional Supplies:
⦁ 1 roll of paper towels
⦁ 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
⦁ 1 can of Clorox wipes
There are many items that teachers spend their own money on. If you would like to donate any of these items to our classroom it will be greatly appreciated!
- Playdoh
- Post-it, Sticky Notes
- Baby wipes
- Always be respectful of the teacher’s right to teach, other students’ right to learn, and everyone in the classroom.
- NO cell phone or gum in my classroom.
- Arrive to class on time every day with ALL your needed books and supplies.
- I will dismiss you at the end of class – NOT the bell.
Weekly Encore Schedule
Monday: PE
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: Computer Lab
Thursday: Music
Friday: Media Center (Library)
Daily Schedule
8:15 Tardy Bell
8:00-8:30 Morning Work
8:30-9:20 Math
9:20-10:50 Reading Block
*10-10:15 Recess
10:50-11:15 I/E
11:20-12:00 Lunch/Recess
12:05-12:55 Writing/Lang. Arts
12:55-1:35 Encore
1:35-2:30 Integrated Arts
2:30-2:40 Pack Up
2:40 Dismissal