About Mr. Williams
Professional History
6th grade Social Studies teacher at Woodrow Wilson since 2002
Boys and Girls Tennis coach since 2002
6th Grade Boys Basketball coach 2002-2012
Athletic Director at Woodrow Wilson since 2015
Educational Background
West Vigo High School Class of 1994
Indiana University–B.S. in Secondary Education,1999
Indiana State University–M.S. in Educational Leadership and Foundations, 2006
Personal Information
I am married to Mrs. Williams, former 5th Grade teacher and librarian at Davis Park Elementary and current librarian at West Vigo Middle School
I have a daughter named Molly who attends Sugar Creek and a step-son named Max who attends West Vigo High School
I am a HUGE fan of Indiana University sports, the St. Louis Cardinals, the Indiana Pacers and the Indianapolis Colts!